Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Love A Blessing and Gift

The Love A Blessing and Gift

I was tired and I was exhausted then a call came from some one who made all gone away. My tiredness and stress all was never there. I was upset and I missed my Mother who left few years back, I felt lonely then a voice came and given me a message of life. I am still alive, theres many others around me who look upto me. 

Work was hectic, Payments are stuck and creditors knocking at the door I needed some time and then somebody came and open that door for me and spoken up for me and made them understand I need sometime to get back on track and all will be cleared off. 

That some person if you have in your life, its just a blessing and sign that HE is watching over you. That power and magic of Love fills it all. It keeps you standing tall and keep up your energies up and right, so that we can live LIVE THE LIFE not just let the life live us. 

Some times we look around, some times we wait but when the time is right we will know there will always be someone to share our thoughts and fill up the space that's empty. 

Life seems Long but in reality its short, count the Light years and then we should see what exactly time we have in our life may be few days. Some times we need to give love and share it with those who are important, who are expecting us to be there for them. When we do this we activate that energy that fills up the space in our lives. Somebody knocks at in our life and changes everything moment of silence  into music of life. 

Its just about the understanding when to expect and when to share. Love is one feeling that every single person on this person understands in ones own way. Billions of People have borne and more will be but every soul has its own definition of Love. Its so deep and so vast that one life is never enough to comprehend it all. 

Family, friends and foes everyone is important. All these make our life moving, its all the way we understand. Science says Energy can only be transformed but never to be destroyed. Life is energy, its in us its in sharing love. 

A person loves someone who never says back that Love you Too in words but imagine how greater is that persons Love would be. if its waiting for its perfect moment just let it be.......

Love is gift its not dependant of its expression one can feel one can see. Words not always convey what we feel and how we feel. But if you have a tiny bit of love in your life BE THANK FULL to GOD for HIM to increase that Love in your life.......
Its a power that makes Huge difference in lives. Let that power be, let it be open and give some space to be filled in. Its all around us we just need to open our eyes and share our thoughts. Divinity is in expansion, the universe responses us back if expect it to be in positive way. Life is short fill it with Love and make it worth Living. People you see around you can just effect you as much as you allow them to. When you have True Love don't wait, grab it and be with it to LIVE.  Keep this Gift in safe place and that's your heart. Keep your heart filled with Love. 

Thank You ! 

Sunday 17 March 2013

Wealth A Curse or Blessing

Wealth A Curse or Blessing

In the start of civilisation man has discovered that he alone can not make, discover or create (re-discover) every thing that he needs. So he exchanged his skill set and resources with the fellow human beings. Initially it  was limited within skills but later on it has developed and extended it to products/resources exchange.

Further more humans introduced Barter trade system which is still in use between Nations on gigantic scale. For quite a long time people were not using money. So in this context we can say that money is not wealth its part of resources as normally people understand wealth is just the amount of Money we own. But wealth has broader meaning than that .....

It can be your lands, your property, precious metals and stones, these are all in tangible form. And in intangible form its your Knowledge and emotions which includes love also.

Mostly we are mainly concerned with the tangible definition and form of wealth. Now the difference between wealth being Curse or Blessing in true sense is easy to understand. In both ways it can be curse or blessing only if we know how to use it.

So the Use of resources and Wealth is the core of its expression and meaning for us. As soon as we know that we are wealthy, we should be say thank you to every one around us. Not just in words, thank you through our actions also and that will be our gratitude and means to increase our wealth.

We should always remember that everything in this universe in connected on the quantum (Energy) level. So our actions, moods and dealings they express its energy if positively then it will help and support us in positive way and turn into be a blessing. If we do it otherwise and we become the source of negative energy then it will backfire us hence turn the wealth into curse.

The main source of energy is the way we feel so try to be positive and pay gratitude for what we have it will be increased !

Good Luck !

Friday 15 March 2013

Say Thank you !

Power of Gratitude

This is very nature of humans that in times of abundance we getcarried away with the excitement and ignore the little beautiful things in our life and when we face hardships we even then do not appreciate lots of things that we possess which many around us do not have.

What human beings want from Life?
All three in abundance! Every thing we do in our life, at one point of time is for one of  above reasons. And this universe is created in such a way that in any situation, one of them always stays with us. When we have all three in our life, we get high and excited and then we forget to offer our gratitude to the Supreme Power, people around us and to this universe.

If we want to  hold all three of them then we must learn to stick with the rule to say thanks to all who are related to us. The first thanks should be for the Supreme Power the GOD almighty who has created us. Then our family, Friends, Peers or people who have more or less the same status in our lives.

In  times of pains and stress, if we just think for a while, we will know if we have one of three gifts with us. Then, we must say thank you GOD. We must learn to say it from the deeper inside of our heart and the core of our soul. Afterwards, you will be amazed to see the response only if you are true from your heart and thoughts.

Any one who feels others pains in life, on times, should know that he is clear from heart and should feel blessed that one can share the pain of others and feel it. This will be a Thank you to the universe !

In our daily lives, if we add up such thoughts the life will be a living paradise in its own way. In this century we must learn and understand the need of time. That is to know ourselves and paying our gratitude the way we  can.  In my next blog will share thoughts about all three of them in detail in the similar but deeper context.

Thank YOU ! Because we are all important as we exist !
See and read more about the other people who are using this Power....

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life - The Change Blog

365grateful | A Documentary About the Extraordinary Power of ...

The Power of Gratitude